Being a scientifically-minded type of person, I believe that proposals must be tested. For this test I selected the cheetah, a magnificent feline, famous for its sprinting speed. It is obviously in severe decline in this area; on a recent trip to Werribee I counted only two! The problem is simply defined: cheetahs struggling to survive, too many humans in the world. The simple solution: feed humans to the cheetahs.
Now, I know what you're thinking: it sounds OK so long as it's someone else being fed to the cheetah. To show that I am absolutely serious about this I am leading by example and have fed my own 3 year old child to a needy cheetah.

What happened next was quite chaotic, as you can imagine. There was growling and screaming and a general to-do, this is the best shot I could get under the circumstances.

Thank you for listening, I hope together we can make the world a better place.
*No animals, including children, were harmed during the making of this blog post.