Sunday, February 04, 2007

Too Tired...

...because just got home from long, but fun, day in Melbourne. I've started a countdown though, so I feel compelled to continue the countdown anyway: 7 days to go.

People have been responding to my desponding with various cheer up messages. (Of course, all prefaced with, "You're only as old as you feel," which, admittedly, I did ask for. That, however, won't stop me from making a hit list with every single one of you on it. Although I'm far too nice to actually 'hit' anyone, I will keep it for future reference.)

One of the more interesting 'cheer up' messages was this:

But cheer up, on my 40th I got into punch ups, shoved whatever I could lay hands on into my system, and somehow ended up at home at 5am calling a hooker. She was about 50 seconds into her routine when I called it off. It was about as erotic as cleaning your fingernails. You'd be hard put to do worse than that. I think I also crashed the car.

Now, most of this sounds pretty routine: sex, drugs and rock and roll(ing with the punches). My favourite bit is he *thinks* he crashed the car. He's invited to the beach shack for birthday drinkies, but I'll be making sure the car keys are well hidden.

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