Saturday, February 24, 2007

What I did at the party...

Yup, that's right, I held everyone's drinks.


I've been slowly moving entries from the MySpace blog over here so they're all in the one place. It's not your imagination, there really are old entries appearing out of thin air. Posts ported over from MySpace have a (MySpace) in the title.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My Plans for World Domination...

...are currently in hiatus. Here I was worried about my sagging 40-year-old butt when what I should have been worried about is my sagging 40-year-old knee. It seems to be an over-use type of thing, came on slow after a few days of treadmill use.

So, while I've been sitting on my butt over the last few days, I did this instead:

Can you tell I hate doing backgrounds? For me the main game is the face - it's the only part I find really interesting. The rest of the body I'm much less fussy with; clothes, shade em a bit so they don't look too out of place; background, what background?